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Muriel Quinn

I came to yoga seeking healing from physical injury.


With a dedicated practice, I traded weekly trips to healthcare

providers for yoga classes. I continue to have an active personal practice and am an enthusiastic learner of the eight limbs of yoga.

My teaching focuses on breathing and physical alignment in
a noncompetitive atmosphere. I believe that everyone will
benefit from a yoga practice and I offer modifications and hands-on
adjustments to my students. 

My educational background includes: 

an AM in Social Service Administration (MSW) from the University of Chicago 

and an MA in Divinity from Catholic Theological Union.

I studied Hatha Yoga at The Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago

and also in the Anusara lineage.

Mary Samano was my first yoga teacher.

I studied privately under her guidance for many years.

Jim Bennitt's Tantric Hatha influences my teaching,

as does the playful yoga of Sarah Starnes,

and a depth of knowledge learned from Gabriel Halpern.

My practice continues to evolve 

with the grace and wisdom of Sally Kempton.

Oak Park, Il is my home, where I live with my husband.

We have four children, a dog and backyard chickens.

I offer several yoga retreats a year at

Casa de la Diosa

in San MIguel de Allende, Mexico.

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